Four panels in a 2x2 array. The top left shows a lot of purple staining of cells. The top right shows much less purple. The bottom row shows two nearly idential stripes of blue with lots of blue spots above and below.

A new peptide may hold potential as an Alzheimer’s treatment

The peptide blocks a hyperactive brain enzyme that contributes to the neurodegeneration seen in Alzheimer’s and other diseases MIT neuroscientists have found a way to reverse neurodegeneration and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by interfering with an enzyme that is typically overactive in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. When the researchers treated mice with a …

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New technologies revealing cross-cutting breakdowns in Alzheimer’s disease

‘Single-cell profiling’ is helping neuroscientists see how disease affects major brain cell types and identify common, potentially targetable pathways After decades of fundamental scientific and drug discovery research, Alzheimer’s disease has remained inscrutable and incurable, with a bare minimum of therapeutic progress. But in a new review article in Nature Neuroscience, MIT scientists write that by employing …

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ON a black background the M-shaped coronal cross section of a mouse brain featurse patches of magenta and teal dots

With fractured genomes, Alzheimer’s neurons call for help

Study indicates that ailing neurons may instigate an inflammatory response from the brain’s microglia immune cells A new study by researchers in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT provides evidence from both mouse models and postmortem human tissue of a direct link between two problems that emerge in Alzheimer’s disease: a buildup …

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A swirling blue ball of long thin neurons is overlaid with long electrodes coming in from the bottom and the left.

How microglia contribute to Alzheimer’s disease

A breakdown of lipid metabolism in these brain cells promotes inflammation and interferes with neuron activity, a new study finds One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease is a reduction in the firing of some neurons in the brain, which contributes to the cognitive decline that patients experience. A new study from MIT shows how …

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Boston Globe op-ed: How science, technology, and industry can work together to cure Alzheimer’s

The Alzheimer’s research community must acknowledge the gaps in the current approach to curing the disease and make significant changes. In The Boston Globe Nov. 29, Li-Huei Tsai penned an op-ed as part of Globe’s “The Longevity Hub” collaboration with MIT Professor Joe Coughlin. “Alzheimer’s disease, the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, …

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